Content Marketing

There are masses and masses of content on the internet and all of it is vying for our attention and ultimately for our money. Google and other search engines actively encourage online businesses to create regular, high quality, informative content. This might include the actual copy on your website or it could include articles and blogging as well as news and press releases.

SEO Copywriting

Research and style are very important when it comes to writing content for websites. Our writers are award winners and love creating interesting copy for you to enjoy and the search engines to feed on. We use many techniques for discovering key phrases and like to mix up new phrases with high performing phrases.

Since Hummingbird was released the quality of writing on the web has generally improved as marketers have been far more reluctant to “spin” content. For genuine copywriters, Google's recent algorithm changes have been well received. Using themes and focussing on the user makes the content more interesting and captivating and along with intelligent research will help to attract many more readers and web site visitors – and even more importantly, returning visitors too.

Content Placement

Placing well written content and attracting traffic is a great way to enhance your reputation and become well known within your own industry. Offering expert support and helping on forums can help to drive traffic to your blog posts and guides.

Ask Us About Content Marketing

Qualified Copy Writers

Qualified Copy Writers

We have a team of specialist content writers covering a variety of sectors. Writing copy for a website or press release has become an art form. Being articulate and occasionally adding a little humour (if the project is right) can transform a piece of content from mundane to marvellous. Researching key phrases and using gathered intelligence from other marketing channels are just some of the techniques we use to produce compelling content.


A phrase used by Google to describe a part of one of their algorithms which looks at content quality. Skilled copywriters were elated when this was announced as Google seemed to be finally finding a way to penalise low quality, spun and key word stuffed copy.


Having worked across a number of sectors (building up many years’ worth of experience), at Sigma Web we have a vast breadth of knowledge to call on. A question we are often asked is 'You don't know anything about my business so how can you write about it?' The answer is simple, with research and discovery techniques (as well as input from the expert – you the client) we can find out about your business and the angles that need to be covered on both website and other outbound marketing.