Blog Categories
- Tips (6)
- Google Marketing News (4)
- SEO (14)
- Sponsorship (1)
- Social Media (2)
CGBlog CMSMS adding SEO Titles to Posts
Tested this on:
- cms made simple version 1.12 pohnpei including the following module versions: cgblog 1.12.10
- cgextensions 1.49.6
- cgsimplesmarty 1.9.1
- jquerytools 1.3.6
Step 1
create a user defined tag called blog_cat_page_title and add this code to it:
$db = cmsms()->GetDb();
$query = "SELECT name FROM " . cms_db_prefix() . "module_cgblog_categories WHERE id = ".$params['category_id'];
$row = $db->GetRow($query);
if ($row) { $smarty->assign('blogtitle',$row['name']); }
Step 2
Add this code to the beginning of your cgblog summary template:
{blog_cat_page_title category_id=$actionparams['category_id']}
step 3
In the page layout template used to display your cgblog summaries, within the head tag, if you are using the default cmsms template code for your page title:
<title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
replace it with:
<title>{if isset($blogtitle)}{$blogtitle}{else}{title}{/if}</title>
but if you are already using your own code within the <title> tag and don't want to overwrite what you have, you will need to work this into your existing code
{if isset($blogtitle)}{$blogtitle}{else}{title}{/if} or something similar to make use of the $blogtitle variable if it has been set.
We have had some great success with this setting, let us know how you get on.